Message from Director NPvCC, AIIA
The use of traditional medicines continues to expand rapidly across the world and many people now follow traditional systems of medicines for their health care. However, adverse events that are being reported give a negative impression regarding the use of such traditional practices. The safety of herbal medicines has become a major concern to both national health authorities and the general public. The number of adverse reactions to Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani & Homoeopathy (ASU & H) drugs reported in the National Pharmacovigilance in India is negligible. Strong belief that traditional medicines are safe contributes to a large extent to this situation. Lack of knowledge about the concept and importance of pharmacovigilance in ASU & H practitioners is compounding to this matter. Thus, to generate awareness and to analyze possible causes of adverse events, it has been planned to establish National Pharmacovigilance Program.